Fleet Response is proud to announce Garrett Saczawa, Claims Adjuster, as the Outstanding Performance Award Winner for June 2015.

Garrett has been with Fleet Response for 13 years. Between his many years with the company and familiarity with Fleet Responses’ clients and different departments, Garrett is not only an asset to his team but the company as a whole.

“Since I have started here, Garrett has done a really nice job assisting me with the nuances of Accident Management from a Fleet perspective. With so many clients and each having their own specific repair parameters and very different business needs, Garrett has been able to expedite this learning curve tremendously, so Fleet Response can continue to give our clients the very best customer service in the industry,” said Mark Moreschi, Level 3 Adjuster.  “Garrett has always been available to me and others even when he has a full work load.”

Stuart Braun, Adjuster and Maintenance Manager has also commended Garrett by stating, “In the last several months, I have seen Garrett elevate his work to the next level by assisting our newest Adjuster.”

We’re honored to recognize Garrett for his willingness to lend a hand and dedication to his co-workers, the company, and our clients.

Thanks, Garrett, for all you do!